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Flexible Training Solutions
"If our course dates don't suit you; call us"

Course Schedule

Upcoming Course Dates by ATM Training Centre
All | West Swan | Jandakot


Course Summary

RIIHAN305D - Operate a gantry or overhead crane

Duration: 8 Hours
Cost: Please contact us for a quote

Course Schedule \ Book Online: All Locations
Group Booking?: Call To Book
Price for CTF Customers: N/A

Course Fee

Please contact us for pricing (group bookings onsite options only)

CTF Pricing For Eligible Customers

Course is eligible for a CTF rebate.

The CTF provides funding support for training of eligible workers in the construction industry. We acknowledge the support of the CTF in reducing the costs of training for eligible workers.


1 Day

Please note: The course may be completed within a shorter or longer time frame depending on the experience of those in attendance

Aim of this Course / Target Group

The licence to operate a overhead or gantry crane course is delivered on site only.

It is designed to instruct trainees how to safely and efficiently lift and move loads using an overhead bridge or gantry crane in a variety of situations. The course is aligned to a nationally recognised unit of competence RIIHAN305D - Operate a gantry or overhead crane.

Course Content

The program addresses the following:

  • Job planning, hazard identification and hazard control measures
  • Operational inspections
  • Safe load handling, lifting and slinging
  • Emergency procedures
  • Shut down procedures
  • Weight chart
  • Signals for overhead cranes

Assessment Method

Knowledge based questionnaires and practical demonstration

This course is only conducted in the workplace for corporate clients. In order to conduct this training and assessing on your worksite you will need to provide the following:

  • A safe maintained bridge or gantry crane
  • A training room to accommodate for up to 8 people
  • A safe operating area


Must have basic English literacy skills

Academic Award & Recognition

Upon successful completion participants will be issued with the following nationally recognised Statement of Attainment:

  • RIIHAN305D - Operate a gantry or overhead crane

What To Wear

All course participants are required to wear appropriate work attire and closed in shoes.

Morning Tea & Lunch

Morning tea and lunch are not provided by ATM for onsite courses.