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Flexible Training Solutions
"If our course dates don't suit you; call us"

Course Schedule

Upcoming Course Dates by ATM Training Centre
All | West Swan | Jandakot


Training Still Running As Usual

Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, we have not yet received a directive from the Department of Health or the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) that says we can no longer run our courses.

As such, some of our construction, mining and safety courses are going ahead, but some we are delivering with a few small changes.

Complete your course at work or at home

To reduce the amount of face-to-face training, we will be making components of some of our courses available online, or to be completed via remote facilitation (video-conference). We ask that in the times you are supposed to complete your theoretical components, you do so from the comfort of your workplace or in your home.

You can read about the extra precautions we are taking to keep you safe when you are in our facilities here.  

Remote Facilitation / Online Training Courses

Not all of our courses include practical components; you can complete the following by remote facilitation:

●      White Card

●      Tilt Up Construction

●      Supervise Tilt Up Construction

●      Fire Warden / Fire Extinguisher

If you have any further questions, please call us on 61 8 9274 1277 or send an email to bookings@australiantraining.com.au and we will be happy to assist.