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Flexible Training Solutions
"If our course dates don't suit you; call us"

Course Schedule

Upcoming Course Dates by ATM Training Centre
All | West Swan | Jandakot


Covid 19 - What are ATM doing to keep you safe?

The Western Australian Government has, and continues to issue directions requiring workers to provide proof of vaccination status in accordance with government directions. There is a duty imposed on Australian Training Management as well as individuals to comply with these directions to eliminate or minimize the risk as far as is reasonably practicable.

At Australian Training Management our first priority is the health and safety of all of our staff, clients and contractors.  Based on the latest health advice, a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy for a majority of occupations and workforces in WA has been introduced by the State Government. Australian Training Management, fall into Group 2 - industries and workforce deemed ‘critical’ to the ongoing delivery of critical services to the community.

Under this new policy Australian Training Management will continue to comply to all advice issued by the State Government.  We will continually ensure the health and safety of all staff, clients and contractors. integrating any new procedures when and if required to do so.

The following procedures have been introduced at all Australian Training Management facilities;

Clients of Australian Training Management visiting either West Swan or Jandakot Training Facility do not have to be vaccinated at this time. However, clients visiting Nowergup are required to be fully vaccinated & will be required to show proof of vaccination as this site is a registered class 3 mine site.

All staff and contractors at ATM are to be vaccinated in accordance to dates and timeframes provided by the WA              Government.  The forms of evidence which will be accepted as proof of COVID-19 vaccination status are a COVID-            19 digital certificate; and/or an immunsation history statement.

Any contractors entering our facilities will have their vaccination checked

All clients and visitors will be checked into the facility via contactless sign in and will have their temperatures                     checked.

PPE will be worn when needed

In all indoor spaces everyone must wear a face mask at all times

When training, trainers can remove their mask while speaking/training however it must be worn whenever we are            indoors not training.

Glen20, disinfectant wipes and hand sanitser will be available in classrooms so both students and trainers can                  sanitise prior to and after each course

Frequent cleaning will be completed throughout the facility

Social distancing measures will be implemented across all training facilities

Reduced class sizes (adhering to the square rule policy)

Lunches have been cancelled to reduce cross handling of food items and to minimise large groups in the lunch                room at any one given time

During the day office staff and trainers will sanitise door handles and any other equipment that multiple people                handle.

Operational changes such as staggered working times or days or working from home for staff if needed

Integrating new procedures when and if required to do so

Lets help stop the spread!

ATM Team