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Flexible Training Solutions
"If our course dates don't suit you; call us"

Course Schedule

Upcoming Course Dates by ATM Training Centre
All | West Swan | Jandakot

Award Replacement Request

In the event of loss of your Qualification, Statement of Attainment, or Wallet Card you can request a re-print using the below form or by completing the Award Replacement Form.

  • The cost of a replacement Qualification, Statement of Attainment or Wallet Card is $30.00.
  • You must supply two forms of identification (preferably photographic) such as Drivers License, Passport or Proof of Age.
  • All requests will be processed and issued within 10 working days, once all evidence and payment has been supplied to ATM.
  • For awards to be collected by a third party, the applicant must provide written authority from the student in the form of a direct email to info@australiantraining.com.au or written letter signed by the student to be verified by ATM staff.

My Personal Details

Please enter your given name, surname, date of birth and Unique Student Identifier (USI) so we can locate your awards issued by Australian Training Management.

Given Name:Surname:
Date of Birth:Day:    Month:    Year: USI:
So that we can contact you, please enter your Email Address.
Email Address